Thursday, March 21, 2019
DATS Food For Thought
OK fellow DATS users;
I have been doing some deep thinking.
And soul searching.
Wondering how we, as the disabled community, can effect change in the DATS system...
...which is so negatively affecting our work, leisure, and appointment-heavy lives.
Now, I know that the idea of change, or of protesting something, can be scary.
When most of us think of protest, we think of things like antiwar protests... these in Vietnam.
Cops, guns, and arrests.
They are scary images for sure.
I know that for a few mostly sleepless nights...
I was wondering if this type of action was what it would take... overhaul our DATS system.
Then a few nights ago I found the above clips...
...concerning a group of 100 Americans who fought for changes... their Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
This act guaranteed freedom from discrimination for the disabled in the US.
As well as access to education and transportation.
For whatever reason, the government was slow to ratify or enforce these changes.
Four years later, the American disabled population had had enough of stalling and inaction.
So in April of 1977, 100 disabled people gathered in a San Francisco federal building.
They protested calmly but forcefully for 26 days.
Risking physical, mental, and medical hardship
Until the changes were signed into law.
And they succeeded!
It got me thinking.
Could we, as the disabled community in Edmonton, achieve similar success?
Even for a day or two, in a public location?
Calmly but forcefully hammering home the point...
...that public transportation is a right for disabled and able-bodied Edmontonians alike?
This should be a basic, common sense precept enshrined into law!
But as always, in order to make a difference we need numbers!
Both in terms of statistics and in numbers!
City Hall likely won't listen to us otherwise!
Again we should have no quarrel with DATS drivers or booking agents.
They are working their asses off to serve us.
Even with a very broken system.
But otherwise, as far as time and resource management...
DATS needs change!
So can we unite, fellow DATS users?
Under a common theme and purpose?
I think we can!
But it's up to you, me, and everyone!
Your Partner in DATS Life
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
DATS Survey Says!
OK fellow DATS users. I know a lot of us have spent a large part of our lives being told what to do. Or what to think. I would never do that with this survey, because I hate it when people do that to me. But this could bring about change with stats. I want to thank each and every one of the 47 people who took the time to read my DATS Gotta Change! post. And to the 11 people who have taken the survey so far, I appreciate you as well! Advances in technology such as the Internet, instant messaging etc. have made it much, much easier to connect over issues that affect us all. And with the breakneck pace that daily life now operates at, it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle. I noticed at the council meeting I attended in the fall that many people lobby for the City Council's attention, time, and purse strings. Requests for rec centre funding or construction and concessions for the hotel industry and small businesses were all a part of the session I attended. And the one thing that everyone had to bolster their presentations? Stats and numbers. Now you may think that answering questions about how many years you have been taking DATS, or what age range you fall into, or even the time you spend on hold, may not matter much. But the truth is, it really does matter. A whole lot. Because the numbers make it easier to convince the city, Mayor Don Iveson, or someone in his office, that we have a legitimate issue. Thousands of able-bodied people get around on ETS every day, with nary a glitch. Why not the disabled on DATS, which is a specialized para-transit service? DATS did get funding in December. Where did it go? These are questions that deserve to be answered. But we need numbers and stats. So that our concerns and issues can be heard. Your Partner In Life
Saturday, March 9, 2019
DATS Gotta Change!
A while ago I posted about the DATS booking experience being similar to a game show.
Yes I admit my tongue was firmly in cheek at that time.
But the truth now is that if you are not on the phone at 30 seconds before 7:30....
...sorry to say...
….you will likely not get the trip...
Even if it's three days away.
I know that's unbelievable.
And it really sucks.
But I know a lot of people who have put their mornings... some cases entire days...
...on hold to sit on the phone to get trips.
And that just isn't right!
DATS Gotta Change!
I mean, could you just imagine if the regular ETS system or LRT was suddenly down for even three weeks?
The city of Edmonton would grind to a halt.
But it probably wouldn't last long.
Because the city wouldn't want that to happen.
Because frankly people would be pissed off.
And wouldn't stand for it!
"We have jobs to get to!", they would say!
"We have appointments to keep!", they would say!
"We have life to live!", they would say!
And our able-bodied brethren would be absolutely right!
Well guess what?
We as disabled have appointments and commitments to keep!
A lot of us have jobs we have to get to!
And dammit, we have life to live too!
So let's get together, hopefully with the city.
And see if there is a plan in place..
Or be part of the solution of putting one in place if there isn't.
Because even if we look at the eventual massive cost of missed work opportunities...
...and even the added cost and strain on Alberta Health Services from missed appointments...
…there is another even more important aspect.
And that is the sense of community that DATS helps facilitate with its service.
As we go about town doing what we have to do and living how we live.
Just like anybody in the City of Edmonton.
And if the DATS service stays overworked...
...and trips just aren't available...
...the disabled just might stop travelling and become shut-ins.
And if that happens to even ten to twenty percent of us that is tragic.
Even I have started consciously reducing my trips.
And if you know me, then you know that isn't like me.
So we must also consider the physical, mental and psychological costs...
...of the current costs and strain, again on our health system.
Not to mention our straining personal pocketbooks or wallets...
...when we must shell out $40 to $100 to accessible taxis... make our schedules work when we must.
Now don't get me wrong. Accessible taxis are wonderful.
And a long-awaited and welcome option for sure.
For those in the disabled community who can regularly afford them... the absence of DATS round trips. Or any DATS trips, for that matter.
But the reality is, most can't.
So come on, City of Edmonton!
Let's talk and formulate a plan!
We've seen you do it.
With the bike lanes, for instance.
These allow a significant portion of the population to get around and get exercise.
But not us.
Maybe using a bike lane in winter conditions would give people an idea...
...of the current slowness and clogged nature of DATS service.
Isn't disabled transportation just as important as bike lanes?
We appreciate the tireless work of DATS drivers and booking clerks of course.
But by now, it's pretty obvious.
DATS Gotta Change!
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