Monday, July 25, 2011

Congratulations Mom!

As of July 1, my mom Annette has retired from the Edmonton Public School Board after 31 years of dedicated service. I offer her my most heartfelt congratulations on this milestone.

It has a particularly special meaning for me, because, as the parent of a disabled child, my mom always had time to share her wisdom and humor with me, as well as providing for my needs and making sure that I was not denied the usual preteen and teenage experiences growing up. These included sleepovers, and as the teen years approached, regular weekend visits to a teen dance club. All this while maintaining a full load at work (any notion that part-time teaching is less work is utter hogwash)

And most importantly, as a teacher she recognized my passion for writing early and always encouraged it, even gently prodding me to follow punctuation and grammar rules when I thought what I was doing was good enough. If there is one person responsible for the spirit behind Scenes From Mike's Life and Mikey The Movie Guy, it is her.

Mom, after spending all those years helping and encouraging me, I want you to take the next several decades to be kind to yourself. There is no way I'll ever be able to repay all that you have done for me, and I love you.

Your son,


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Just For The Record...

Ten years ago I had the one-shower-a-week problem. And during a very hot summer to boot. But I fought it, and won. I now get two, which has worked for me. Three is possible, but usually only in cases with mitigating circumstances such as incontinence or excessive sweating. I agree with Wayde that it is deplorable that the one-shower scenario still exists after all this time.

If you are reading this and have similar issues, it is best to keep on top of your social worker or care coordinator, depending on where you live. Dropping a line to your MLA also can't hurt.

Your Partner In Life

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Wayde Lever is a man with a vision for the province of Alberta, and the drive and determination to carry it out as the Wildrose candidate for Highlands Norwood. I am proud to call him friend.

Your Partner In Life