Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Song For Penelope

Hello sweetheart,

You probably don't realize it yet, but you are about to embark on a great adventure, because the people your mom works for love her work so much that they decided to give her a bigger and better job in a city called Toronto (if you want to be cool you can call it T.O.)

The good news is that you all will have more interesting experiences than you can imagine. The not-so-good news is that Toronto is about 3000 kilometers from Edmonton, so our in-person visits won't be as often as they have been. But thanks to computer technology (which I'm sure you'll be into before long, if your adventures with your mom's iPhone are any indication), Auntie Shawna and I will never be that far away, whenever you need us.

And if you ever feel lonely, listen to the words of this song. As I've written to you before, although there are a lot of wonderful things about this world, sometimes things or people will let you down, and you might feel sad and frustrated. But if you're OK with you at the end of the day, you will make it through whatever challenge you face. Every time.

I love you hon.

Uncle Mike