Friday, September 4, 2020

You're At School! But You're At Home!


Hello girls!

I heard you started school three days ago!

It's a special kind of school.

Because you are at home!

That means your mom and your dad will be your teachers this year!

You are very lucky, because your mom and your dad are both really smart people!

And your mom and I watched Memere Annie be a very special teacher when we were your age.

So I just know that your mom and your dad will do their very best to teach you two.

I know that Memere Annie would be very proud of you both!

Just like Auntie Shawna and I are!

And I love your smiles!

Because learning is fun when school is at your house, isn't it?

Good luck with this school year Penelope and Mikaela!

We'll all be cheering for you!

Love you so much Penelope and Mikaela!

Uncle Mike