Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Goodbye Grandma Annie

Hello my angels Penelope and Mikaela.

Remember that time I told you to tell somebody if you were sad?

Well, today I am writing you because I am sad.

I was hoping not to have to write this letter to you guys for a while. Like at least twenty years, when you could maybe understand all this a little better.

My sweet girls, your Grandma Annie had to leave.

She got very sick very fast, and went to the hospital, that place with the doctors and nurses that do lots of good work with not enough sleep and not enough people saying thank you.

But I thanked the doctors and nurses at the Grey Nuns Hospital, and I think of them every day. Because I was there when Grandma Annie told the doctors and nurses she wanted them to do everything to help her get better. And I promise you, my girls. They tried. They really tried. And for a while it looked like they might be succeeding. Because your Grandma Annie had incredible drive and gumption, and when she set her mind to something, she usually did it, whether it was doing research on her ancestors or helping out family or friends. When the doctors were wheeling her away to try and fix her, she wanted to make sure they knew how much she appreciated what they were trying to do to help her, by making gestures and writing on a pad.

But it is a sad fact of life that Grandma Annie's gumption and drive, that thing that made her the wonderful person she was, was inside something called a body, which is a machine that allows people to run, jump, talk, dance and do all kinds of things. And sometimes, no matter how well we take care of our bodies, they start to break down before we want them to. And that is what happened to Grandma Annie, even though she was very good at taking care of her body. If you can't understand that right now, that's all right. Because to be honest, I can't either.

But there is some hope, my girls. Just like the memory balls in Inside Out, you will always have your memories of Grandma Annie to make you feel better. Your memories might be a little fuzzy, but here's the good news. You have a ton of pictures and videos to help you remember, and lots of family to ask for stories. Whether it's your mom, dad, me, Auntie Shawna, Grandpa Jim, Grandpa Paul or any number of aunts, uncles, or cousins in any side of our family, we will do our best to keep Grandma Annie's memory alive for you. Penelope, I know you will always remember this:

There you are at the Bay of Fundy a few years ago. Your grandma was so proud to take that trip with you as she discovered where her ancestors came from.

And who's that on Grandma's shoulder? That's right, it's you Mikaela!

It will continue to be a tough time for a while, Penelope and Mikaela. But we will all get through it together, with the help of family, and friends. Boy, did you guys luck out with the group you were born into! There will always be someone to share a laugh or hug with, or to just be there for you

I want to thank you in advance for reading this letter, and I want you to know that writing it has helped me be a little less sad. Because Grandma Annie was to me and your mom what your mom is to you guys. And as you both grow up, if you want to have an argument about some little thing, consider not doing it. Because you'll want to remember the good times, and both your parents love you so much, as do Auntie Shawna and me. And I know that your Grandma Annie was extremely proud of you both! She told me so. And as long as you both remember her, she'll never really be gone.

I love you Penelope and Mikaela!

Uncle Mike

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Prima Ballerina Penelope

Hi Penelope!
You sure do look like you are having fun in this picture!
And the video I saw of you at your ballet recital sure looked awesome!
I am sure you don't need me to tell you this by now, but it is very beneficial and important as you grow up to keep active and busy with lots of activities. You will feel great, and knowing you as I do, I have a feeling you will make lots and lots of lifelong friends. Your mom sure did, when she used to dance. She wasn't a ballerina like you. It was a kind of dance that celebrated your French heritage.
Since describing it to you in words probably wouldn't do it justice, here is a picture:
It looks better when the people are actually moving, but you get the idea. I am sure your mom has a video she can show you.
Whatever activities you decide to do to keep busy and happy, I am sure they will be wonderful. And whatever it is that you choose for your career or calling, I hope that it brings you joy, and also that those around you understand how important it is to you.
I know I can't wait to find out what it is!
Have a great day Penelope! I love you, and I can't wait to see you and Mikaela later on this summer!
We have almost similar birthdays!
Uncle Mike

Mikaela The Happy Happy Girl

Hi Mikaela!
I am so glad that the doctor was able to figure out what was making you cry so much over the past year. If he had listened to what your mom was trying to tell him last year, you'd have been in a whole lot less pain.
It sure is nice to see that smile. Keep it up!
Uncle Mike knows somewhat what you went through. When I was about seven years old, I went to the hospital so the doctor could fix my legs. When he was done fixing my legs, he put a big heavy thing called a plaster cast on them to make sure they healed properly. The plaster cast had to go up almost up to my tummy, it was so big. And I had to spend about 31 sleeps away from home.
After a while, the cast started to itch. And itch. And itch.
I made sure to tell the doctors and nurses. And they didn't believe me. They said things like, "Oh, it can't be that bad. Just think happy thoughts, and the itch will go away."
So I tried to do that. And for a while, it would. But it always came back.
And when Grandma Annie and Grandpa Paul tried to tell the doctors and nurses about my itch, they would tell them the same thing.
But you know what? When the plaster cast came off about 31 sleeps later, I had a big red owie on my hip, that was causing all the itching.
So I was right to complain.
And so were you.
But it is important to remember two things, sweet Mikaela.
When you run into doctors and nurses in your life, thank them, because they do lots of good work, sometimes with not enough sleeps and not enough people saying thank you.
And if anything or anyone ever makes you sad or mad, please tell someone. I know it can be hard to do sometimes, but it is better than not telling anyone and keeping it inside. I did that for many years, and it is not good. Your mom, dad, and big sister love you to bits, and will help you through anything, as will I, because I love you and your sister to bits too! And I am a great listener!
Have a great day Mikaela and Penelope!
Uncle Mike loves you!
Uncle Mike

Monday, May 18, 2015

Alberta's Revolution

Well you wanted revolution Alberta?

We sure got it!

And you know what?

I think there are some positives.

It is accepted fact that the PC's used the province as their own personal playground for the last six years, what with the government plane mismanagement and Alison Redford's Penthouse in the Sky.

Under Jim Prentice, they also effectively murdered the Wildrose opposition. I wonder what Prentice sees when he looks in the mirror now?

A thoroughly pissed off electorate wanted change. Easy to understand.

Incoming premier NDP Rachel Notley says she can root out the corruption and make the government more transparent.

I hope she can. I wish her all the luck in the world.

But I also want her to remember that whatever she drives, communicates on, lives in and eats is either provided by or aided by Alberta's vibrant energy sector. So I hope she handles them with care.

But I have faith. We shall see.

Your Partner In Life

Friday, April 17, 2015


Happy Birthday Mikaela!

Uncle Mike loves you!
Grandma Annie tells me that you are a real go-getter!
When your mom and I were young, we went to a day camp, where we were given certificates.
I got the "Go Getter Award", so you are a chip off the old block!
Your mom got the "Best Sister Award".
Because she is.
She should get "Best Mom" too, don't you think?
Uncle Mike