Saturday, February 29, 2020

Family Day Fun!

Hello Penelope and Mikaela!

How are you today?

We sure had fun on Family Day, didn't we?

Thank you so much for coming to Edmonton! (Mom and Dad too!)

First when visiting Grandpa Paul...

He sure liked it when you guys played piano for him!

Later we went to Auntie Shawna's...

That is sure  a sweet picture of Auntie Shawna, Mikaela!

And I was sure glad when I saw Penelope and you do this...

You let your sister wear your hat Penelope.

I know sharing can seem hard to do sometimes.

Sometimes I didn't share all my toys with your mom when we were little and she would ask.

I am glad that she loves me anyway! I sure love her!

But I'm sure glad you shared your hat Penelope, even if it was just for a few minutes.

Because sharing is important

Grandpa Paul sure taught your mom and me that when we were little!

If you both keep sharing your things with each other, then you will always be there for each other.

And sharing will help you get along with many people as you grow up.

I love you so much Penelope!

I love you so much Mikaela!

Uncle Mike