Saturday, December 19, 2020

Alberta's Winter Finale AKA Lockdown The Sequel Day 2.5 :Oops and A Simple Question

 Hi Folks!

Just realized that I missed a day in my quest to have a post here daily during Alberta's winter lockdown.

I was asked a rather obvious question the other day.

Why have I written about a "Second Lockdown" when I haven't written about the first?

The answer to that one is simple my friends.

I  never knew I was living anything historic when I was living it.

On Friday, March 13, I got my hair cut at Abe's in WEM.

On Saturday, March 14, potential travel plans went out the window.

Then in the first week of June, I went to my dentist and hygienist appointment.

So between mid-March and the first week of June, I just kinda hung out.

In my humble abode, 

Which is what I call my room.

Hearing everything from "two weeks" to "by September" .

As guesses for when the pandemic would end. 

I watched the curve flatten.

I watched Alberta be praised for its COVID response.

Restrictions were lifted in the summer.

But as myself and most everyone figured, Canada and the US were hit with a second wave in the fall.

And now here we are in Alberta, locked down till at least January 12th,

My heart again goes out to all service industry professionals and those with small businesses.

But even with all we are going through in Alberta and Canada, I do see an opportunity for some hope.

But I will cover that in my next post.

Take care, stay safe and see you soon!

Your Partner In Lockdown Life

But as I figured they would, the restrictions ramped up as of this last Sunday

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

'Alberta's Winter Finale AKA Lockdown The Sequel Day 2 : Me and Coffee!

 Hey thing that is an essential in any lockdown is...

COFFEE of course!

You may ask, why am I wearing a Texas T-shirt?

Simple answer is, I have a cousin who lives down there with his family. 

And the global view answer is...

...hey, our countries are neighbors! Aren't we?

Some may feel that the US has taken over our culture.

But I don't know about that.

Didn't we give something back to our neighbors?

The Great Alanis/Celine Takeover of the mid-90s perhaps?

And haven't we left our Exalted Canadian Cultural Ambassador Ryan Reynolds down south to look after things for us?

But back to the coffee.

Yes, Maxwell House sure is "good to the last drop".

Incidentally, that phrase was written in 1915 by Clifford Spiller, a former General Foods Corporation president. The coffee itself originated in 1892.

I call it my "writing fuel", and usually have a couple of cups with my evening meal.

And boy does it help with the evening creativity!


Especially when planning and creating the next installment of Lockdown The Sequel!

Your Partner in Lockdown Life

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Alberta's Winter Finale AKA Lockdown The Sequel: Day 1

 Many TV shows have a winter finale.

So why not our province?

As of today, it's here. 

Lockdown: The Sequel

So I'm settling in.

Me and my pal Celery Man from my Facebook page.

Thanks to all in Alberta who must work through this lockdown.

Grocery workers and delivery drivers.

Bus, DATS and cab drivers.

Truckers bringing us goods and services

Hospital and care home workers.

I know I appreciate the workers in my care home these days!

Thank you all so much!

I love you all!

And my heart goes out to all the businesses that will struggle.

And possibly cease to exist.

Due to Alberta's lockdown.

I love you all too!

Here's hoping we can significantly tame this virus!

And get back to something approximating the Before Times!

My T-shirt says "Refuse To Lose".

I suppose that's a good motto to adopt.

As far as my attitude and mood toward myself.

And those I may interact with on social media, text, or phone.

As well as those I am required to interact with safely here at home.

Because that is really all I can do at this point.

Take care all of you!

During this very different holiday season.

I am not sure if my thoughts make much sense today.

I just sat down and typed.

But I will be back with something tomorrow.

Every day in fact.

With special stuff on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Years Eve and Day.

But for now, take care, one and all!

I close with some hope, from a man whose thoughts usually did make sense when he sat down and wrote.

None other than Mr. George Harrison.

Your Partner In Lockdown Life (with Celery Man)