Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Hey, What's In The Box?

Quick, anybody still know what this item is?

Sadly, we are reaching a time in pop culture when that may soon not be the case.

There was a time when cassettes were considered the highest in high fidelity.

And if you are lucky enough to find (or still have) some tapes and a player, if they are in good
shape, they can still sound pretty good.

And those who have seen my room know that I do not have room for tapes or a player. I borrowed the Rovers tape from my good buddy Don so I could look cool for a few seconds.

In any case, when my wonderful nieces Penelope and Mikaela ask me in a few years what cassettes are, I'm gonna be ready!

In the meantime, a cute video:

Your Partner In Life

Photo credit:  Kyra, 96.3 Capital FM via Facebook