Saturday, December 19, 2020

Alberta's Winter Finale AKA Lockdown The Sequel Day 2.5 :Oops and A Simple Question

 Hi Folks!

Just realized that I missed a day in my quest to have a post here daily during Alberta's winter lockdown.

I was asked a rather obvious question the other day.

Why have I written about a "Second Lockdown" when I haven't written about the first?

The answer to that one is simple my friends.

I  never knew I was living anything historic when I was living it.

On Friday, March 13, I got my hair cut at Abe's in WEM.

On Saturday, March 14, potential travel plans went out the window.

Then in the first week of June, I went to my dentist and hygienist appointment.

So between mid-March and the first week of June, I just kinda hung out.

In my humble abode, 

Which is what I call my room.

Hearing everything from "two weeks" to "by September" .

As guesses for when the pandemic would end. 

I watched the curve flatten.

I watched Alberta be praised for its COVID response.

Restrictions were lifted in the summer.

But as myself and most everyone figured, Canada and the US were hit with a second wave in the fall.

And now here we are in Alberta, locked down till at least January 12th,

My heart again goes out to all service industry professionals and those with small businesses.

But even with all we are going through in Alberta and Canada, I do see an opportunity for some hope.

But I will cover that in my next post.

Take care, stay safe and see you soon!

Your Partner In Lockdown Life

But as I figured they would, the restrictions ramped up as of this last Sunday

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