Sunday, January 9, 2011

Some Simple Math

For those who don't already know, I have cerebral palsy.

It's not something I spend a lot of time thinking about, as it doesn't really affect my daily life, such as my ability to blog.

But the fact is that I need a relatively small amount of care to start my day. I am very satisfied with the care that I receive in the building in which I live, and with the company that runs the building and provides the care.

I truly do not mind paying the $1650 per month that it costs to live in the building, as this covers utilities, three square meals in a cafeteria, snacks, laundry and all that great care.

But what I do mind is an Alberta government that gives me $1965 and says "Here's $315, go play real-life Monopoly now". That's one bill and a couple of incidentals, folks. If you want to save for your future, as the disabled can now do with the Registered Disability Savings Plan? Too bad fella! Enjoy that bag of chips now!

Add to that a municipal government that thinks nothing of charging me $84 for a monthly transit pass while charging seniors with GICs and stock portfolios about $30 for a pass they can use all year. I am very grateful for all that seniors did for me and my way of life during the war years, but where's the logic?

Don't misunderstand, I am fully aware of the mess the global economy is in, and I am not going to sit on my ass expecting a free pass. All I want is some accountability and common sense from our elected officials in the Progressive Conservative party, who have been running things for 40 years. As evidenced by the recent YouTube "cookie" sensation starring the now-ousted head of the Alberta health authority, common sense is now not part of their vocabulary.

There is now a new party on the horizon: the Wildrose Alliance. I am now willing to listen to their common sense approach, which involves not muzzling their MLAs in caucus, for one thing.

Your Partner In Life


  1. Keep writing Mike, your message needs to be heard.

  2. Mike you make some very good points, thank you for the party support.

    Wayde Lever
    Wildrose Alliance Candidate
    Edmonton Highlands-Norwood

  3. Thank you both for your support! It means the world.
