Thursday, March 21, 2019

DATS Food For Thought

OK fellow DATS users;

I have been doing some deep thinking.

And soul searching.

Wondering how we, as the disabled community, can effect change in the DATS system...

...which is so negatively affecting our work, leisure, and appointment-heavy lives.

Now, I know that the idea of change, or of protesting something, can be scary.

When most of us think of protest, we think of things like antiwar protests... these in Vietnam.

Cops, guns, and arrests.

They are scary images for sure.

I know that for a few mostly sleepless nights...

I was wondering if this type of action was what it would take... overhaul our DATS system.

Then a few nights ago I found the above clips...

...concerning a group of 100 Americans who fought for changes... their Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

This act guaranteed freedom from discrimination for the disabled in the US.

As well as access to education and transportation.

For whatever reason, the government was slow to ratify or enforce these changes.

Four years later, the American disabled population had had enough of stalling and inaction.

So in April of 1977, 100 disabled people gathered in a San Francisco federal building.

They protested calmly but forcefully for 26 days.

Risking physical, mental, and medical hardship

Until the changes were signed into law.

And they succeeded!

It got me thinking.

Could we, as the disabled community in Edmonton, achieve similar success?

Even for a day or two, in a public location?

Calmly but forcefully hammering home the point...

...that public transportation is a right for disabled and able-bodied Edmontonians alike?

This should be a basic, common sense precept enshrined into law!

But as always, in order to make a difference we need numbers!

Both in terms of statistics and in numbers!

City Hall likely won't listen to us otherwise!

Again we should have no quarrel with DATS drivers or booking agents.

They are working their asses off to serve us.

Even with a very broken system.

But otherwise, as far as time and resource management...

DATS needs change!

So can we unite, fellow DATS users?

Under a common theme and purpose?

I think we can!

But it's up to you, me, and everyone!

Your Partner in DATS Life

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