Wednesday, March 13, 2019

DATS Survey Says!

OK fellow DATS users. I know a lot of us have spent a large part of our lives being told what to do. Or what to think. I would never do that with this survey, because I hate it when people do that to me. But this could bring about change with stats. I want to thank each and every one of the 47 people who took the time to read my DATS Gotta Change! post. And to the 11 people who have taken the survey so far, I appreciate you as well! Advances in technology such as the Internet, instant messaging etc. have made it much, much easier to connect over issues that affect us all. And with the breakneck pace that daily life now operates at, it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle. I noticed at the council meeting I attended in the fall that many people lobby for the City Council's attention, time, and purse strings. Requests for rec centre funding or construction and concessions for the hotel industry and small businesses were all a part of the session I attended. And the one thing that everyone had to bolster their presentations? Stats and numbers. Now you may think that answering questions about how many years you have been taking DATS, or what age range you fall into, or even the time you spend on hold, may not matter much. But the truth is, it really does matter. A whole lot. Because the numbers make it easier to convince the city, Mayor Don Iveson, or someone in his office, that we have a legitimate issue. Thousands of able-bodied people get around on ETS every day, with nary a glitch. Why not the disabled on DATS, which is a specialized para-transit service? DATS did get funding in December. Where did it go? These are questions that deserve to be answered. But we need numbers and stats. So that our concerns and issues can be heard. Your Partner In Life

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